We acknowledge that we are on stolen land. The Dakota and Anishinaabe people have lived in harmony with this land for thousands of years. Our colonizer ancestors committed acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced removal to take this land from them. We have benefitted, and continue to benefit, from this violence. The Dakota and Anishinaabe people continue to live on their land and flourish, despite ongoing colonialism and oppression. We stand with Indigenous communities. We work to amplify voices of Indigenous leadership and commit to investing in Indigenous healing practices.

Trauma and Abuse * Post-Traumatic Stress * Borderline Personality Disorder * Eating Disorders * Dissociative Disorders * Relationship Issues * Depression * Anxiety * Stress Management Difficulties * Substance Abuse * Attachment Issues * Chronic Health Issues * Grief and Loss * Criminal Justice System Involvement * First Responders
Primary Therapeutic Interventions
EMDR * Ego-state Therapy * Mind-body therapies * DBT-informed therapy * Cultural Somatics

August 20, 2023
We will be at the RISE (Rallying in Solidarity 4 Equity) health fair from 11am-3pm at Brackett Park 2728 S 39th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406.
Stop by to say hi and receive educational information about trauma and acupuncture.
Coming soon!
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And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~ Anais Nin